Mobile support isn't quite here...yet.

Support has been planned in a upcoming release.

About Vincent

Photo Of Vincent.

When I was a kid, a friend gave me their old Windows PC, causing me to fall in love with computers at a early age. I was attracted to Linux in my teens for it’s stability, which, in turn, led to my involvement with CAP (Common Alerting Protocol). Rob Hopkins, founder of Open Broadcaster reached out to me because of CAP.

These days I often run Debian 12, Rocky Linux 9, and MacOS. I run the Asterisk telephony server for my home phone system, and I’ve been using it since 2012. At first, like most things, was just toying around with it. If you need help with Asterisk, FreePBX, or just setting up a new phone system, I’m your guy.

Some of my other skills include:

  • Web development using JS, Node.js, PHP, and Python 3.
  • Linux system admin
  • Using version control, mainly Git.
  • Docker containers

Find Me Online

Open Broadcaster partnership (SEKYVP, LLC)

I’m a filmaker, too. You can find more about my films by clicking below: